Archive for the Motivation Category

Are You Doing Push-Ups Correctly?

Are You Doing Push-Ups Correctly?

Push-ups are the quintessential whole body exercise. But are you doing push-ups correctly? With a few adjustments, you could reap twice the benefits of this move. Learn how!

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Boost Metabolism – Fitness Over 40

Boost Metabolism - Fitness Over 40

There is no doubt that we are all living longer, stronger, and healthier. However, you may have noticed that since your 40th birthday your body is transforming. Do not despair! There are ways to boost metabolism and improve fitness over 40.

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Make Your Fitness Resolution Last

Make Your Fitness Resolution Last

Every New Year, millions of people make the resolution to get in shape. This year make your fitness resolution last. How? We have some great tips to take you through this year and beyond!

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Guide to Fitness and Health for 2017

Guide to Fitness and Health for 2017

Looking to improve your health and fitness, but don’t know where to begin? Whether you are a newbie or have fallen off the wagon, or are looking to take it up a notch, we have put together a guide to fitness and health for 2017 and beyond!

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Don’t Let the Holidays Ruin Your Diet

Don't Let the Holidays Ruin Your Diet

From Halloween to New Year’s is filled with so many parties and events. It is a festive and fun time of year. It is also easy to pack on a few pounds with all the wonderful food and beverages we enjoy. The temptations are there to have the caloric drinks and second (or third) trips to fill up your plate. There are ways to stay on track and keep from overindulging during the holiday season.

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How To Stay On Track During Vacation

How To Stay On Track During Vacation

Trying to stay on track during vacation isn’t a small task. We all need some downtime, away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday routines. It’s great for your mental and physical health. However, many people struggle with keeping with their healthy lifestyle and/or working toward specific goals. Don’t fret. Summer vacation doesn’t have to be the doom of your health routine.

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Big Gyms vs. Personal Training Studios

Big Gyms vs. Personal Training Studios

Big Gyms vs. Personal Training Studios Our personal training studio has dedicated individuals who are committed to bettering themselves physically and mentally. Our trainers specialize in a variety of training methods to meet your needs, and that can be tailored to fit your needs. What sets The

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Summer Bodies Are Made In The Spring

Summer Bodies Are Made In The Spring

Summer bodies are made in the spring but you may have been working at this for awhile. There is always a renewed energy around the New Year to get in shape but then dies down around spring. Warm weather might be fast approaching, but there is still time to hold fast to your goals. Don’t let self-doubt get the best of you. As the quote goes, “Doubt is just success testing your spirit.” To motivate your spirit here are some motivational tips to re-jumpstart your summer workout goals.

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